From Technology to Joy and everywhere in between.

Create to attract the eyes, the mind and the heart! In history, there were always those who were afraid of new things and those who believed and pushed forwards with innovations. Only by doing things differently, we can achieve new heights and new ways of expression.

06. September 2022, Toms Katkevičs

What is Jazz
for me?

Jazz is a flow-like conversation between experts and creatives sharing impactful stories relatable to the And Then Jupiter universe. Big or small, every story can make an impact and hopefully create curiosity, snowballing into a deep conversation, giving space for more ideas.

That's where I see value in Jazz, telling stories in a way that makes them live on in your minds and evolve in conversations creating value or joy. So let us share, talk and hopefully learn how we can improve and create new meaningful beginnings.

Living in a time where everything evolves in a rapid state, we can no longer rely on one thing that works and does the job. By giving space to new technologies and opportunities we fight our complacency and thus create more room for creativity. In history, there were always those who were afraid of new things and those who believed and pushed forwards with innovations. Only by doing things differently, we can achieve new heights and new ways of expression.

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One of And Then Jupiter’s missions is to use technology to improve our lives. It is essential to understand that “technologies” does not essentially mean physical “gear” or software to me. For me technology is knowledge. Our mind is like a computer. By feeding it with different knowledge it will take a shorter route to make the right decision resulting in a better outcome.

That's my secret!
That's my Jazz!

Knowing how to learn is a crucial skill. Because if we cannot use the information that we collect there is no growth. By learning one thing to the bone, I'm able to see that any other subject has the potential of reaching the same depth. And that makes me more sensitive when I hear a professional talking about their craft in a rather specific way. These details resonate with me because of my education in jewelry metal design. Learning the craft at a molecular level I understand why some materials stick together and how to mix them to achieve the desired alloy. As this is very practical knowledge you might ask where the Joy is in all of this technical process. At the end of the created result, it has to live its own life and to do so, a new way of communication is introduced. Joy comes the moment when I share the finished product with the client. But instead of talking about the technical achievements or difficulties, I express how the finished product compliments the person.

Like blue stones in earrings compliment the eyes of the wearer and the weight of the earrings makes them so easy to wear you would never want to take them off. The shine of the polished metal will attract every eye to glance in the direction of the earrings, highlighting the beauty of the person wearing them.

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Like blue stones in earrings compliment the eyes of the wearer and the weight of the earrings makes them so easy to wear you would never want to take them off.

Consequently, knowing only how to technically achieve something is not enough. One must be able to translate the art of the craft in a user friendly way. Everyone can understand it differently: for some it may be the color of the materials, for some it is the value of it. And some might seek perfection in the technical challenge of a mirror-like polish that reflects themselves as people. In my example I translate beauty and comfort by emphasising the stones and balancing the weight of the earrings. While the process can be very technical and complex, the presentation should be easy and simple to understand.

That's my secret to successful communication! That's my Jazz! From Technology to Joy and everywhere in between!

Der Autor

Toms Katekvičs

Nach seinem Studium als Schmuckdesigner tauchte Toms in die Welt des Kommunikationsdesigns ein und unterstützte als jüngster Designer im Team mit einer großen Portion Esprit, Kreativität und Konzeptionsstärke sämtliche Tätigkeitsfelder bei And Then Jupiter.

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